Don’t wait for cancer or the lottery. Build the life you want now.

If you woke up ten years from now and found yourself doing the same things you are now, how would you feel?

I looked at my life a few years ago, and the thought of ten more years like that made me want to scream. I felt like I was wasting my life: marking time, just existing, waiting for the good parts (which never seemed to come).

I knew I needed to make a change. Gradually, one piece at a time, I’ve sculpted my life to match my dreams and the life I want. It took me a few years, but I got out of my bad marriage and sold my expensive house with a long commute. I even quit my job to follow my dream: writing.

Not everyone needs to make such drastic changes. The important thing is to get clear on what you want, and keep adjusting your life to get closer and closer to that.

If you found out you had only a year left to live, what would you change? Or, if you won the lottery and no longer had to worry about money, how would your life be different?

Why wait? We all know we won’t live forever. Why not start creating that life for yourself now?

If you want to change your life, the most important thing you can do is surround yourself with other people who are on the same path. That’s why people who want to lose weight join groups like Weight Watchers instead of the Krispy Kreme Fan Club.

Soar is a community built to help and inspire people who want to live their ultimate lives now. It includes:

  • A library of useful resources
  • A private discussion area where you can meet like-minded people and get support
  • New content every month, including a monthly challenge to guide you in shaping your life
  • A monthly coaching call so you can get help, advice, and answers to your questions

The call alone is worth $150/month, but membership will be only $27/month.

I think it will make a huge difference for you, so I’m offering a $1 trial for the first month if you sign up now. If it sounds like something you might like, why not try it? If it’s not for you, just cancel the subscription in PayPal any time within the first 30 days, and you’ll never be billed again. No hassles, no hard feelings.

Everything is easier when you’re surrounded by like-minded individuals who are working toward the same goal. You don’t have to do this alone. Join us.